perjantai 7. maaliskuuta 2014


Oh, how the time flies by when you are up to your elbows in fun! The title above is a kind of a spoiler because that pretty much sums up the last two days. Africa cx getting worse day by day - not possible to get much more worse, Asia has given some pleasant signals to us the last couple of days - yesterday some Thai´s with China and India - not yet anything further than that. Iberians have been mostly stations from the north giving no reasons for shouts of joy. You would think that when African cx is getting worse then you could get better transatlantic reception - well, we have had better reception but the speed of change is frustratingly slow - Thursday morning we heard one U.S. station on 1510 AM for about 15 minutes - no identification, and this morning we were able to identify the very first NA -station for LEM343 - 1400 CBG Gander!!!! Not a local identification though, hopefully we´ll get one tomorrow night ... So we can´t really say that the cx are not improving because they are!

If one station should be mentioned of the last two days conditions that should be Radio Mahabad. Valo has been deeply overwhelmed by joy because he was able to hear this most wanted station!

The DX-vocabulary-section of our blog begins with the word "announcement". Word originally comes from words "unknown" and "cement" - the story goes likes this: some centuries ago a guy gathered the village people (not the Village People) and told them that he was going to build his new piggery out of unknown material called cement. Thus words "unknown" and "cement" were related to that announcement the guy made. So thereafter notifications like that have been called announcements. --- Nowadays all cement used in buildings is known - there is no cement we don´t know about, or is there? How could we really know about it if the cement is unknown? Or could we?

The aphorism of the day: "Kissat protestoivat menemällä naulakkoon" (OJS: please don´t even think about google-translatings these, there's no miau-strike in Google translator).

1 kommentti:

  1. He he he ... you know I tried, eh?
    Cheers from Seven Mile Beach!
