maanantai 10. maaliskuuta 2014


Things are getting better. Saturday was again a slight improvement in cx´s. NA -cx again a bit better than earlier "ESPN-1520" being the only ID we got. It´s amazing how slowly these cx are getting better considering that all should be well for long distance reception.

We had also some problems with our 1km long Afro-coaxial so we spent most of the stormy day outside trying to fix it. And of course we got it fixed - it took about three hours and lots of running around in the forest. We also managed to implement a switchbox out there so now we can use 180 and 73 degrees antennas with a flick of a switch in the cabin.

Finally on Sunday morning we had a little over half an hour worth of NA-action between 0430-0500 utc. The best station noticed so far is 1360-WIXI. Not so many fq´s opened, but there is still some hope that we can dig out other catches from our files. Orinoco-cx lasted about two hours but only some common ones identified. Nevertheless, once again a big step forwards!

After that we enjoyed some nice cx to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also some Thai-stations were noticed and of course Iranian stations - what would the AM-band be without them?!

African-cx has been next to non-existant for the last couple of days which was predictable.

This morning was again a big step forwards on transatlantic cx´s. Cx started again around 0430 utc and signals went down at 05 utc as earlier, but this time they came back up and the last NA-signals were received at about 09 utc. Cx was mainly EC all around, mostly dominants, but also some goodies; 1450-WKXL, 1600-WAOS - and other more common ones like 1310-WLOB, 1320-WDER ... almost all files are untouchable so there will be more. So, now we are getting somewhere! We want more of this!

TIEDE-UUTISIA. Team Lurxin tiedeosasto on pitkään tehnyt geenikokeita ja nyt on läpimurto tapahtunut: kaksi merkittävää DX-eläintä, oravakeppi ja raportointipukki, on lopultakin saatu risteytymään. Uudesta otuksesta toivotaan tehoja antennivetoon ja raportointiin, tosin ainakin prototyyppi on hyvin äreä, eikä se suostu lähtemään metsään ollenkaan, eikä myöskään päästä ketään selkään. Itse asiassa se pitää nyt Lemmenjoen pihapiiriä kauhun vallassa ja juuri tällä hetkellä ulos on turha yrittää.

Euphorism of today: Vampyyri tilasi ravintolassa vain litran kokista. 

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